Yes, we are currently in network with Blue Cross Blue Shield 

No, Tennessee is a Direct Access state meaning you can go to a physical therapist without seeing your physican first. During the therapy evaluation, your physical therapist will obtain your physician’s information and send over the PT plan of care for physical therapy services. 

Your first paying visit will be an evaluation and treatment (when appropriate) with 1-2 exercises to begin at home. Upon the completion of the evaluation, your PT will discuss the recommended plan of care (number of visits) to address the areas of concern and help you attain your goal(s). 

You can call us at 931-444-3677 to schedule an appointment. 

You should wear loose-fitting clothing that will allow access to the body that will be assessed and treated. Hospital gowns are available for additional draping purposes. 

We accept all major credit cards, cash, and HSA.

The number of session needed will be determined at your initial visit upon the completion of your initial assessment. Your PT will let you know the number of visits recommended to receive optimal improvement.